At the U7 and U9 levels there is a vast mix of skill, ability and focus among players. Specifically at U7 we accept 3 birth years. Some players are new skaters and some have skated for 2 years. As you can imagine, this is challenge for coaches, volunteers and players. The hockey experience is more beneficial and enjoyable when like-skilled players are grouped together. There are more puck touches, better team play and player development. West 39 Hockey is proposing that we look at making Major and Minor teams at both U7 and U9 this season. This may mean combining communities to accommodate these teams. Please ensure you answer the question regarding creating a Major and Minor team at the U7 and U9 levels when you register.
Mandatory Respect In Sport Parent Certification
For new hockey players, one parent of that registered player must take the online Respect In Sport-Parent program. This can be done after you register your child. It is a requirement by Hockey Canada and creates the mandatory Hockey ID needed for your player. It costs $12+GST. The certification is good for up to 4 seasons (expires May 1). To sign up for an account, click on the following link:
When you click on the link, on the left hand side of the page can click under Getting Starting "New To This Program", and then click on "Respect In Sport For Parents". You will create a username, password and add your child/children registered in hockey so that West 39 Hockey receives notification of the program being complete and your player's hockey ID. You must complete RIS Parent before the start of the season OR if it has expired.